[Oe List ...] (no subject)

Tim Wegner twegner at swbell.net
Sun Jul 18 17:41:26 CDT 2010

Jaime wrote:
> Looks like the Oe List has been broken into.

Folks, the list hasn't been broken into, but there are some 
advertising emails coming from several list members. George Holcomb 
and I are working the problem with the people involved. We are 
leaving those members subscribed for the moment so we can monitor if 
the problem continues. If it becomes more than a trickle I will take 
care of it. In the meantime, please don't post to the list about the 
problem, but email me directly, just to reduce the noise in list 
traffic. There could be a few more of these emails coming.

Meanwhile, don't follow the links in any of those messages, unless, 
of course, you have run out of viagra or Canadian drugs :-)


Tim Wegner

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