[Oe List ...] Catalog of our books

David Walters walters at alaweb.com
Sun May 2 22:26:27 CDT 2010

David here are the titles I found for Bishop Jim: 1. Brother Joe, 2. A 
Global Odyssey: The Autobiography of James K. Mathews,  3. A Church Truly 
Catholic,  4. Set Apart to Serve : The Meaning and Role of Episcopacy in the 
Wesleyan Tradition,  5. South of the Himalayas; One Hundred Years of 
Methodism in India and Pakistan. 6. Matchless Weapon, Satyagraha, 7. 
Methodism And The New India, 7. The Road to Brotherhood: Views on Race 
Relations With Resources and Suggestions for Action, 8, To the End of the 
Earth: a Study in Luke-Acts on the Life Mission of the Church.

I talked to Bishop Jim 4 or 5 years ago and he told me that he had given his 
copy o f JWM's doctorial dissertation the the achieves at Duke University.

David Walters

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