[Oe List ...] Update

slottaglobalnews at earthlink.net slottaglobalnews at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 3 20:35:19 CDT 2010

Sandra- You are in our constant thoughts and prayers and look forward  
to seeing your wonderful smile back in Denver again, soon. OliveAnn  
and Jim

On Nov 3, 2010, at 1:59 PM, Sandra/Bob True wrote:

> Well many events that remind me I'm not in control have occurred. A  
> 16 day hospitalization for IV antibiotics, a change in chemo drugs  
> (stronger) another 3 day hospitalization that is now 8 (maybe home  
> Fri), start (instead of Jan) of daily radiation along with chemo,  
> prayer for a room at Hope Lodge so I can be on the Manhattan side of  
> the Hudson. No- not much control, change ever constant.
> Life has also reminded me about what is most important - love and  
> relationships- through a consistent receipt of well wishes from  
> friends and colleagues around the world. I'm in awe of the many  
> souls who take a moment to wish me well, put me on prayer lists,  
> send me cards and poems. It is what sustains me!
> In gratitude,
> Sandra
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