[Oe List ...] [Dialogue] Happy Thanksgiving; Lynn True's movie

Elliestock at aol.com Elliestock at aol.com
Mon Nov 22 18:32:21 CST 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Sandra and to all.
Your email reminded me that I had forgotten to share that Carleton and I  
saw Lynn's movie "Summer Pasture" at the St. Louis Film Festival last  week.  
I'm so glad we had a chance to see it and to see Lynn as well  afterwards.  
Her documentary was a very real but very beautiful narrative  of the 
Tibetan nomad couple.  Will look forward to seeing her future  works.
We continue to keep you in prayer.
Grace and peace,
In a message dated 11/22/2010 5:09:41 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
icatrue at igc.org writes:

Dear  Friends and Colleagues,

In the season if gratefulness, I am deeply  grateful for all of you on 
these lists. You are my community, I've experienced  your care and love.
I lift a glass full of gratitude to you  all!


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Dialogue at wedgeblade.net

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