[Oe List ...] Happy Thanksgiving

jonzondo at juno.com jonzondo at juno.com
Tue Nov 23 10:33:24 CST 2010

For Thanksgiving I would like to share this video and song...
if you have access to YouTube you should be able to view and hear this song called, "I Give Thanks" which is written and sung by a friend of mine.

Here's the web address:

I am grateful for all my relations
for the snow outside
for imagination
for the connection I have with all that is

I am humbled by the miracles around me
and I release all fears that are not mine
and allow them to melt away with the snow
to evaporate into the mystery

I grow and flourish is this state of gratitude.

Jon Mark Elizondo

Obama Urges Homeowners to Refinance
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