[Oe List ...] [Dialogue] Thanksgiving Treasures

Ellie Stock elliestock at aol.com
Wed Nov 24 10:14:37 CST 2010


Those turkeys were lucky to make it that year.  I was on a team that was responsible for pies and getting the turkeys prepared.  The pies turned out fine.  Fortunately, as we checked on the baking progress of the turkeys in the middle of the night, we discovered that we had left all the "stuff" in plastic bags inside the turkeys.  Hoping no one would notice, with laughter, fear and trembling, we quickly removed the bags, slapped the turkeys back in the oven, breathed a sigh of relief that a culinary disaster had been avoided, and ultimately enjoyed what turned out to be delicious turkeys.  That was memorable.

But what was even more memorable was the Thanksgiving procession beginning on the 8th floor stairwell to the 2nd or 1st floor where we all feasted together, spiraling down the staircase, singing (I think it was) the Doxology, the walls echoing and amplifying the harmony.  It was beautiful and filled me with a deep sense of gratitude.

Ellie Stock

-----Original Message-----
From: Beret Griffith <beretgriffith at charter.net>
To: OE <OE at wedgeblade.net>; Dialogue <Dialogue at wedgeblade.net>
Sent: Wed, Nov 24, 2010 8:44 am
Subject: [Dialogue] Thanksgiving Treasures

Thank you to Sandra for opening the gates of Thanksgiving. The expressions of thanks and stories told are treasures. To add another couple of lines to the growing body of "thanking" work, from Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro.

"We give thanks to Life.
May we never lose touch wit the simple joy and wonder
of sharing a meal."
Taken from Earth Prayers from Around the World: 365 Prayers, Poems, and Invocations for Honoring the Earth

It feels like we are in the midst of sharing a "cyber" Thanksgiving meal together. 

And a short story. I actually got to know Ron a bit working in the kitchen at Kemper in November of 1975. Cooking turkeys. We were fetching a large cooked bird from the kitchen on the 6th floor, wheeling it down the hall on a low serving cart heading to the main elevator, not thinking of the slight change in floor elevation (down) when passing through the railing. The cart dipped, the turkey flew off the cart and slid across the floor. Ron and I slipped and slid in the grease, had a good laugh, picked up the turkey and took it down stairs to be served. 

Now I have to find my "yak tracks" to be able to navigate on the expected ice.


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