[Oe List ...] Aung San Suu Kyi interview with BBC

John Cock jpc2025 at triad.rr.com
Thu Nov 25 09:42:44 CST 2010

A really free/obligated/responsible/compassionate human being, she is, and
we give thanks for her living demonstration of the same.

Thank you again, Jeanette, for passing on this up-close view of Aung San Suu
Kyi, a trans-establishment revolutionary Ellder at 65.

-----Original Message-----
From: dialogue-bounces at wedgeblade.net
[mailto:dialogue-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On Behalf Of Jeanette Stanfield
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 3:04 PM
To: Colleague Dialogue; Order Ecumenical Community
Cc: Duncan Holmes
Subject: [Dialogue] Interview Aung San Suu Kyi

Dear Colleagues,
This is an amazing interview with Aung San Suu Kyi about freedom,
obligation, responsibility and compassion. 
30 minutes of it are accessible through The Elders website-go to their Aung
San Siu Kye link with BBC.  www.theelders.org/ Then click on Watch  Aung San
Suu Kyi speaking to the BBC.

If you don't know about the Elders, you may also find this to be an
interesting website- Nelson Mandela and 11 other esteemed elders from around
the world who support peace keeping and social justice. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, 

Jeanette Stanfield

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