[Oe List ...] Matthew Fox at UMC, Boulder, 9/11/11

LAURELCG at aol.com LAURELCG at aol.com
Wed Aug 10 13:31:18 EDT 2011

I love the questions Matt asks in the short article below.  Good discussion 
Jann McGuire 
Hi UCS Friends, 
Matthew Fox is going to be speaking on 9-11-11 at First  United Methodist 
Church of Boulder both in the AM service and for a  commemoration from 7-9:00 
PM. Below is a description of his talk and a link to  FUMC-B.  
I am really interested in getting a live video-feed for this  so everyone 
can watch it. But initial bids are beyond the budget of the church.  Does 
anyone have any connections with folks who do this type of work and can  offer 
it at a discount or a donation given the importance of this  
work/theme/presentation? If so, please have them contact me!  
Matthew Fox: Lessons Learned from  9/11 Ten Years After 

Description: The ten years since 9/11 have not  been pretty to behold. 
America is involved still in its longest wars ever; our  economy is bleeding 
profusely in great part due to these wars; jobs are scarce,  hope even scarcer. 
Aspirations of the young are on the rise in Arab countries  and other lands 
yet at home we continue to define education as doing well in  exams. Can 
youth and elders forge new relationships of action and of wisdom? Can  
religious bigotry and rigid fundamentalisms be replaced by interfaith wisdom and  
practice? Can humans resurrect education as an education in values and forge 
an  economic blueprint that saves more than human as well as human society? 
Can we  convert moral outrage into positive action? Questions abound and we 
will explore  some of them with as much depth and help from spiritual guides 
past and present  as we can muster. 
Susan  Coppage Evans, D.Min, MA 
_www.wholeheartedretreat.com_ (http://www.wholeheartedretreat.com/)  
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