[Oe List ...] Event and Story Quote re literalism

Rod Rippel rodrippel at cox.net
Fri Aug 12 12:18:47 EDT 2011

I appreciate Bill's image of the grain of sand irritating and producing the pearl.  Our thinking about history and historicity in the West has been dominated by two concepts which have tended to bias our thinking about how things change.  Those are The Big Bang Theory and The Great Man Theory.  This probably resulted from the scarcity of documents and the fact that in almost every age the 'winners' and the elite educated wrote the history.
    For example, looking at the broad scope of the NT and contemporaneous non-canonical literature, there is very little evidence supporting a view that the Ressurrection was Christianity's Big Bang.  Rather, there was probably 20,000 'whistle points' from Asia Minor to southern Eygpt that gave rise to several dozen Jesus Movements and Christ Cults.

Rod R. 
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