[Oe List ...] silver rings

Jayandem2 at aol.com Jayandem2 at aol.com
Sun Aug 14 19:31:40 EDT 2011

That was a wonderful and moving story, Nancy.  I wonder if any others  have 
a story?
In a message dated 8/14/2011 5:45:14 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
nancy at songaia.com writes:

Dear  Ones, 

Mike Tippett mentioned in his email about the silver ring he  found in the 
drawer and what it means to him. 

I, too have a  story about the silver rings that Fred and I bought in 
Nairob and have been  wearing ever since that day in 1977 when Joe died.  When we 
purchased  them, our story was that it symbolized a shift in the Order from 
"a single"  leader to that of a rotational and team leadership.  Knowing 
that we had  already initiated the "panjayat" dynamic, Joe's death truly 
marked a change  and challenge for us all.  

When the Order "went out of  existence",  Fred and I continued to wear our 
Order silver rings purely  as a symbol until we began the design and 
building of Songaia.  The rings  took on a different but significant and similar 
meaning, they were symbols of  intentional community.  I have worn mine since 
the day Fred first put it  on my finger.  Now, Fred's story is a bit 
different.  A couple of  years ago as he was less able to use his hands, they began 
to swell and the  ring no longer fit, or actually it began to cut off the 
circulation to his  finger. I was able to get it off and PUT IT IN A DRAWER!  
As his hands  began to loose muscle tone, they were thinner and ready for 
the ring to  fit.  Alas!  I could not find it!  So, after deciding that he  
would wear his silver ring and his wedding ring into eternity, I bought him a 
 new one.  The story does not end there. Mine continues to hold history of  
the Order, traditions of symbolic rings and the wonder of  community!

When our son Bruce was in Maliwada back in 1984, he had the  silver smith 
in the village make him a ring. He called his the TRUTH  ring  I do not know 
exactly what his truth came to be.  When Ella,  Bruce and Nancy's second 
daughter returned from her Coming of Age journey,  they presented her with a 
silver ring.  She was to name her TRUTH upon  experiencing and naming the 
meaning.  And so, the story goes on ....it  has become one of our family 

And so, colleagues, be  watchful when you begin another series of 
conversations!  Others of us  will pick it up and run with it!  Isn't it grand?

With love and in  community,  


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OE at wedgeblade.net

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