[Oe List ...] Thoughts on Occupy and Creation Spirituality from Matthew Fo
LAURELCG at aol.com
LAURELCG at aol.com
Mon Dec 19 11:20:14 EST 2011
I love it when Matt thinks!
Some thoughts on Occupy and Creation Spirituality from Matthew Fox
I have visited Occupy Boston, Oakland, New York, Ashville, San Francisco.
There is much to like about the people I have met there ranging from
20-somethings to sixty-somethings. A 58 year old in Boston told me he was camping
out because he had been unemployed for over two years; a 30 something in
New York told me he was there “because of Jesus who teaches him that the
poor get to heaven, not the rich.” On Wall Street this past weekend I watched
two lines of exuberant young adults playing “Rover, red rover” literally
in the middle of Wall Street while police cordoned off the entrance to the
street. Nice to see some fun enacted in the name of social change. I very
much appreciated two very large canvases on a side of a building at Occupy
Boston: One was entitled, “What is Good about America” and the second was
entitled: “What is bad about America.” Everyone was invited to write on the
pages. I read all the entries and they were moving and thoughtful. I liked
the balance that was invited forth to everyone to express their opinions.
In Oakland one day of protests brought out about 7000 people of all ages and
ethnicities, mothers with babies in strollers, a flash mob dance of about
80 people well appreciated by hundreds of observers, a band playing as we
marched through the city center streets. My favorite sign? “I will believe
corporations are people when the state of Texas executes one.” Results have
already been significant. The language of the economic debate in America
has shifted from “the deficit is everything” to the matter of justice and
injustice—rare words to enter American political discourse the past two
decades (though Obama shies away from the words and prefers “fairness”). A New
York Occupy person told me “already Governor Cuomo has learned something
and is seeking $2 billion in new taxes from the richest among us.”
More important than immediate “results” and even a change of language and
perception is the bearing of witness that is going on. The bearing of
witness against Wall Street’s greed and arrogance, its willingness to borrow
trillions of dollars from Main Street but offer nothing in return but more
foreclosures, more bankruptcies, more excess, more CEO privileges and more
greed. I have written about greed quite extensively in my book on evil, Sins
of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh: Lessons for Transforming Soul and
Society. Returning to that book recently, I have to say I was pleased with
the teachings that are there. Greed corresponds to the fifth or throat chakra
(“gluttony” comes from the Latin word for “throat”). Greed interferes
with self-expression, stuffing excess things down the throat instead of
eliciting wisdom from the inside with the throat as the birth canal. The fact
that 70% of the American economy runs on consumerism is proof positive that
consuming is the newest form of gluttony and such gluttony feeds greed and
vice versa. As Aquinas warned, “avarice tends to infinity”—there is no end
to a consciousness of greed or its ally, consumerism. Henry Ford was once
asked: “When do you have enough money?” His response: “When you always have
a little bit more.” So with consumerism. It never ends. It is infinite.
Ask Donald Trump.
If Occupy accomplished this alone it would be revolutionary: To educate
Americans and others that an economy that runs 70% on consumption and on
greed has to reinvent itself. It is not spiritually or materially sustainable.
We can do better than consumer capitalism.
In the matter of reinventing economics, I never tire of recommending David
Korten who I feel is the most profound and most relevant teacher of an “
economics that works for everyone”—not just for 1% of the people but for all
the earth’s people including the more than two legged ones. Korten has
done his homework about ecology and cosmology as well as about economics and
ethics. He knows of what he speaks when he shows the way to our reinventing
economics so that it serves the earth and all her creatures and therefore
future generations as well. Go to Yes magazine web site to see his many
articles on the current economic crisis as well as to his books.
Another aspect of the Occupy movement that moves me is its bearing witness
to moral bankruptcy. The banks are very willing to condemn plenty of us to
financial bankruptcy at this time of high unemployment and intransigence
in refinancing home loans and business loans, for example. But they are the
carriers of a Moral Bankruptcy that needs calling out. Speaking truth to
power (the economic power elites who brought the economy crashing down on us
all) is what prophets do. Occupy is prophetic. They are daring to interfere
with the economic status quo.
There is courage involved in Occupy as there is in all those movements in
the Middle East that we attribute to the Arab Spring. It takes courage and
endurance to sleep in the parks and even on the concrete as so many
Occupiers have done (including the 68 year old woman I met in Boston!) and to face
police harassment. Courage is, in my opinion, the number one sign of
Spirit. Without courage there is no Spirit. There is Spirit afoot in Occupy.
There is hope also because of Occupy. David Orr says, “hope is a verb with
the sleeves rolled up” and those in Occupy are doing something. How
important is that? Doing something, bearing witness, instead of just getting
depressed or angry and sitting on it while addicting oneself to more TV or
eating or whatever. Putting one’s moral outrage to action, tapping into anger
as an energy source. All good. Tea partiers great success has derived from
the anger they tapped into. While I find their solutions short sighted,
their energy has made a difference and Occupy’s can do the same—with much
sounder solutions. Part of Occupy’s success has been its appeal to television.
In this post-modern time television is the primary medium for reaching
peoples’ heart and minds and the very act of sleeping outdoors has attracted
the cameras that have in turned allowed fresh stories to be passed around.
Stories about values. Social media is part of this post-modern political
movement obviously also. And the effort to reinvent community through
democratic means of listening to all and not just the powerful and ego-driven ones.
Now of course Occupiers are not allowed to encamp or sleep out in most
cities but that only means that the means of expression are morphing. More and
more Occupy is focusing on foreclosed houses and trying to raise
consciousness about that. In New York I was told that $400,000 still remains in the
kitty they have raised and that all of that is going toward housing for the
poor and bringing attention to the plight of the unemployed. The movement
is evolving and morphing as anything living does. In Oakland evicted
persons are occupying boarded up and foreclosed homes putting them to use.
Occupy is raising consciousness about the big banks, the “too big to fail”
profiteers. Many are the people moving their money to credit unions (I am
one of them and I am happy I did that).
When I preached recently in a Unity church in New York City a woman came
up afterwards and started to cry. She said: “I have been supporting Occupy
in every way I can bringing food and warm clothes and more but so few of my
friends get the point. They are just living their lives as if this doesn’t
matter. And where are the clergy? I hardly see them at all. But to me this
movement is about everything Jesus taught us about loving our neighbor.
There are so many people suffering today. Your talk inspired me to keep going.”
Recently I wrote a book on The Pope’s War which lays bare much of the
sickness within the Roman Catholic Church at this time in history, a sickness
that panders to sexual abusers as well as to dictators like Pinochet who
tortured and murdered thousands and to fascist movements like Opus Dei, Legion
of Christ and Communion and Liberation, a sickness that has silenced or
expelled over 100 theologians while supporting the movements just mentioned
that between them produce armies of canon lawyers and not a single
theologian. The emasculation of Liberation Theology and base communities was a
program enacted by the present and previous popes.
Of course not all priests who work in the Roman Catholic church are child
molesters nor are all hierarchy busy hiding and protecting them. So too not
all bankers and all financiers who work with Wall Street are crooks. But
both systems are practicing moral nothingness and condoning it so staying in
the system and not critiquing carries with it the risk of being an
accomplice, however distant, to the system. Leaving it makes more obvious moral
sense but if one chooses to stay you must stay as a critic and with one’s
conscience in tact and operating to change the system. One stays not as a
cheerleader to the system and not to profit from it while taking no moral
position. There is no room in a moral crisis whether of economics or of sexual
predation for putting one’s conscience on a shelf and hiding either in the
pew or in the boardroom. It is time to stand up and be counted and support
those who are so doing. It is a time for moral courage. Thank God for Occupy!
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