[Oe List ...] OE Digest, Vol 90, Issue 52

R Williams rcwmbw at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 7 12:20:31 EST 2011

Although I believe there are many places where Fox talks about this, the one that most often comes to my mind is his book The Reinvention of Work: A New Vision for Livelihood for Our Time, published in 1994.  The book is in three main sections which he calls I. The Great Work and the Inner Work: Revisioning Work; II. The Great Work and the Outer Work: Reinventing Work; and III. Ritual: Where the Great Work of the Universe and the Work of the People Come Together.  Hope this helps.

From: "KarenBueno at aol.com" <KarenBueno at aol.com>
To: oe at wedgeblade.net
Sent: Sunday, November 6, 2011 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] OE Digest, Vol 90, Issue 52

Randy, Do you have the name of a book by Matthew Fox where he deals with the tension between interior life and external mission?  If so, please put it on this oe list.

Karen Bueno

In a message dated 11/6/2011 7:22:49 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, tlongacre at gmail.com writes:
Yep. I studied with Matt (Creation Spirituality), though he's a lot more academic than me (it's the Dominican in him).
>Tracy Longacre 
>sent from my iPhone
>On 31 Oct 2011, at 17:32, R Williams <rcwmbw at yahoo.com> wrote:
>When thinking of holding the interior life and the exterior mission in creative tension the names of two who appear to have done and have written about it are Matthew Fox and Parker Palmer.  Randy
>>From: Tracy E. Longacre <tel at telphoto.com>
>>To: 'Order Ecumenical Community' <oe at wedgeblade.net>
>>Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 10:00 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] OE Digest, Vol 90, Issue 52
>>Yes, methods and spirit. I was just thinking as I was riding my bike to work this morning that the thing that breaks my heart about so many places I’ve been in Africa is the suppression of the human spirit. Oh to unleash that!
>>Personally, I’ve been very drawn to “being a monk in the world” stuff. I’m reading Wayne Teasdale’s book at the moment. Also been reading a lot of Buddhism. And in Creation Spirituality there was always this idea that mysticism and activism were two sides of the same coin. From what I can see in the world, it certainly is not automatic that one leads to the other, but I’ve seen a lot of folks who’ve gone very far or “all the way” in one domain, realize the other is missing. But so often, the space to explore the interior and the space to explore the exterior are totally divorced from one another, and so I think people feel like they are faced with the choice of leaving the place that has given them so much in order to explore the other realm. Or else they are simply at a loss as to how to go about delving into the other area.
>>Of course, one has to explore the interior and the exterior each on their own merits and then see what they have to contribute to the other. Going into the interior just to make the exterior more effective, or vice versa, is just a game, not authentic.
>>All of which is to say I love the sound of what you guys are doing and would love to see what “Spirit of Facilitation” looks like. 
>>   Tracy E. Longacre
>>   from Katima Mulilo, Namibia
>>   +264 (81) 712 6581
>>   SKYPE: tlongacre
>>   Blog: http://tlongacre.wordpress.com
>>   Run Blog:  http://revruns.blogspot.com
>>   Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tlongacre/
>>   Want to receive occasional updates on me and my work? send an e-mail to: telupdates-subscribe at topica.com
>>"This courage doesn't deny or rush past feelings of fear but lets them dissolve into trust: a deep, abiding trust that your human experience is exactly the experience you are meant to have; that you needn't feel shame or guilt for your imperfections; that you needn't grasp for something that isn't coming your way, or reject what is.” 
>>        “Fearlessness,” Yoga Journal, June 2011
>>From:oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net [mailto:oe-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On Behalf Of Lawrence Philbrook
>>Sent: 31 October 2011 14:59
>>To: oe at wedgeblade.net
>>Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] OE Digest, Vol 90, Issue 52
>>Dear Tracy
>>You said "I would love to see something that combined the PJD work, ToP and the community development work from the HDPs"  This ties to the work I think we need to do with ourselves as ICA and our global community, reflecting on what we have been learning and how we intend to integrate the new with the old.  I have been exploring Theory U (Otto Scharmer) which proposes that to do transformative work we need to start with deepening our reflection into ourselves and the reality we are working with, and then open ourselves to insight.  Last January at the US ToP gathering we were talking about this in the context of facailitation, Jean Watt's said something like"We have always done the interior work before we could exemplify it in the exterior."  I think we need to figure out how to do it again
>>In Septmber Evelyn and I were in Kenya and Zimbabwe, in both places we were talking about methods and about spirit as being a key element of ICA's uniqueness.
>>In October we introduced a new version of the Spirit of facilitation course which is our attempt to broach the same question in the context of facilitation.  
>>What else is happening?  How can we as a global community and we as ICA learn?
>>I am preparing for a meeting next week on community development in China with exactly this question, how do we introduce community development,  leadership development and spirit reflection at the same time.
>>With respect, Larry
>>Lawrence Philbrook
>>Director, Institute of Cultural Affairs Taiwan 
>>www.icatw.com Tel: 8862-2871-3150 Fax: 8862-2871-2870
>>Skype: icalarry
>>President ICA International/ Member Global Leadership Team
>>ICAI Office c/o ICA Canada, 655 Queen Street East
>>Toronto, ON.  M4M 1G4 Canada
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