[Oe List ...] Question

Charles or Doris Hahn cdhahn at flash.net
Thu Sep 1 21:55:57 EDT 2011

Do any of you know someone within commuting range of Camp Pendleton, CA who 
might have a room to rent?

One of our neighbors is an engineer who is in the Civil Service, working for the 
Navy. He has been stationed at Crane Naval Base west of Bloomington, IN (yes, a 
Navy base in the middle of this landlocked state). He is now being transferred 
to Camp Pendleton and will need a place to stay for a time until he can get 
settled and find a place for his family to live. 

If you have a lead, I will pass it on. 

Please do not reply to the whole listserve, but rather to me directly.

Much thanks,

Doris Hahn

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