[Oe List ...] Gene Marshal celebrates his 80th Birthday

Marge Philbrook msphilbrook at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 10:30:59 EST 2012

There are many of us now stepping out of the 4 segments into which we
divided our lives.  I'm past 83.  It came to me to look at my life
differently.  The first part was  KNOWING - believe in Jesus, learn in
school, etc.  The second part was DOING - all my years doing with the
Institutes.  Now the third part is BEING - I'm still describing that.  Of
course all the parts were always involved together.  Gene, do you have time
to reflect on knowing, doing, and being, or is that in your newest book.

Marge Philbrook and PS we would sure like to be sure that we have all your
publications in the archives.  We don't at present, I know.

2012/1/4 Janice Ulangca <aulangca at stny.rr.com>

> **
> Thanks, Ken for sharing this - and much appreciation to Gene Marshal for
> continuing to work on these vital frameworks.  I find what he says about
> all religions right on target, and exciting.
> Janice Ulangca
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Ken Fisher <hkf232 at gmail.com>
> *To:* Order Ecumenical Community <oe at wedgeblade.net>
> *Cc:* Dialogue at wedgeblade.net
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 04, 2012 8:21 AM
> *Subject:* [Oe List ...] Gene Marshal celebrates his 80th Birthday
> Gene Marshall <jgmarshall at cableone.net>
> Friends and Colleagues,
> For the past quarter century (or more) I have drawn spiritual sustenance
> from many sources - but for me, none more thought through, or grounded than
> the expressions written by Gene.  I am deeply indebted to his life and
> creativity, his writings on spirit, ethics and community.
> Yesterday, he turned 80.  His email address is at the top.
> In gratitude and admiration,
> Ken
> Dear Friends and Family,
> I am sending these reflections to you to assist me in celebrating my 80th
> Birthday  (Jan 3, 1932).
> I have for some time viewed human life as a journey through four stages of
> 20 years each.  According to that model, I have now gone off the map.  Is
> this stage of life an extension of stage four, or something rather
> different?  I am leaning toward the something rather different.
> I have just finished a year in which I and my coauthors have completed and
> published a NEXT Social Vehicle book. This has been a consuming task. *The
> Road from Empire to Eco-Democracy* has been a top-of-the-list project for
> the last four years. The relief I feel after making the last cover
> correction on this project is quite deep.  I smile deeply at the thought of
> having actual books in my hands in mid-January.  My focus has already
> shifted from production to promotion, whatever that entails.
> Deeper still I sense time opening up for completing another long-term
> project -- the pulling together of a philosophy of religion that carefully
> defines truth, Reality, consciousness, and redefines religion in the
> context of a NEXT religious mode in which all religions will have to be
> recast in order to be relevant within that NEXT social vehicle necessary
> for human surviving and thriving.
> This shift is consistent with my becoming more of a hermit in the inwardly
> focused sense during the months and years ahead.  Profound humanness and
> the practices of a religion that can access that profoundness is opening up
> as my core focus for the year and years ahead.
> This includes a fresh seriousness about organizing that long-talked-about
> Christian Resurgence Network and explaining to more people how we can no
> longer speak of being Christians, but only of practicing a NEXT Christian
> religion in order to access being a profound human being. And this practice
> is quite arbitrary, as arbitrary as living on the West Coast or East Coast
> or somewhere in the middle. One might instead practice a NEXT Buddhism or a
> NEXT Judaism or whatever, or some combination of practices.  Indeed, I have
> already been stealing religious practices from a wide field and attempting
> to integrate them into a practice I call “Christian” only because it
> illuminates the best elements of that heritage, including a dedication to
> perpetual revolution in religions forms and practices, and to an inclusive
> context that includes boundless exploration of inner authenticity and
> strength, as well as the outward formation of that authenticity in NEXT
> religious forms and NEXT social vehicle solutions.
> I  realize that much of this may sound cryptic; I want to say all this
> better, and live it better, and communicate it better.  But I  actually
> believe that the future I am envisioning has to do with being warmer and
> more intimate and more capable of hope and joy in the midst of these very
> challenging times.  Imagining such a future stage of life is actually very
> personal even if it sounds weird.
> Anyhow, this is a fragment of what comes to my mind around my 80th
> birthday celebration. Thank you for joining me.  May you and I live another
> decade (some of you much longer) to see what can become of these vital
> callings.
> For a viable and flourishing humanity on planet Earth,
> Gene
>  ------------------------------
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