Imaginal Education Collection

Loren Weybright coaching along side the teacher at Glen Buds School in Nepal

At the Glen Buds school in Nepal, Loren works, as a coach, alongside Pratima, the Nepali teacher, and her second graders, discussing new strategies for teaching.

Earlier, Pratima had made a commitment: “I want the children to talk more with each.” Today we were discussing ways she could use real objects, and have small groups or partners label them in Nepali and English.

Here is a link showing more detail about teaching, mentoring & education at Glen Buds School

Central Questions for Educators:

What is the role of a coach (or mentor)  in your own setting, in supporting teachers, first to set their commitments for change, then to follow through with those changes?

How do you help teachers and caregivers make changes in their practice that: