Comments for Study Group. Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux An interactive Global community Thu, 12 Jun 2014 01:18:34 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Thoughts on completing Reinventing Organizations and our study group over the next couple of months by jfwiegel Thu, 12 Jun 2014 01:18:34 +0000 The idea of a “Teal” church seems would have 2 aspects:
1. What would a church look like that was organized at the level of Teal
2. What would a church look like that was focused on the formation of its members to the level of Teal?

Comment on Thoughts on completing Reinventing Organizations and our study group over the next couple of months by Isobel Bishop Tue, 10 Jun 2014 22:43:33 +0000 Hello everyone,
I am enjoying the discussions very much. Yes, I wonder what a TEAL Church would like, too Jim.

Some Wednesdays ( here) do not work for me, and then I listen to the Study discussions later.
I will hear what works out for the group and try to participate.

Cheers to all,
Thanks again Jim for this effort you have made. Enjoy your road trip. Isobel

Comment on Thoughts on completing Reinventing Organizations and our study group over the next couple of months by Nileen Verbeten Tue, 10 Jun 2014 04:41:06 +0000 I am open to how the study proceeds. I cannot make the June 10 meeting, as it conflicts with a standing board meeting I must attend. I would be willing to keep going over the next few weeks or delay until your trip is done.

Comment on Thoughts on completing Reinventing Organizations and our study group over the next couple of months by Larry Philbrook Tue, 10 Jun 2014 02:23:51 +0000 Looking forward to tomorrows study.

I plan to continue through the study with the intent to do dialogue with colleagues here in Taiwan, perhaps several global ICA/ToP community groups and at some point start a CEO dialogue on this. (no idea what form this is but 8-12 CEO types I have worked with to dialogue on living into Teal

I am playing with two assumptions right now
1) Most organisations are not Teal but Green or Orange and need facilitation as we have done it (Green) so I need to continue reviewing and revising our approaches to be as effective as possible in light of the opportunity for transformation Teal represents;
2) I also need to work on my self to move toward Green in Alliance with clients/individuals who are ready and I have no clue how to do that (Yet assume if I look at the body of my /our work over the past 20 years I can glean where I have had access to some experiences)

With respect, Larry

Comment on THIS WEEK: 2.3 Self-Management (Processes) 6/3/2014 6/10/2014 by jfwiegel Wed, 04 Jun 2014 18:27:09 +0000 After our call, Dick West sent along a helpful article on Gore and Transformation

Comment on THIS WEEK: 2.3 Self-Management (Processes) 6/3/2014 6/10/2014 by jfwiegel Wed, 04 Jun 2014 02:10:35 +0000 Six of us on the call — 2 in Taipei: Larry Philbrook and Dick West; 1 in California: Nileen Verbeeten; 2 in Arizona: Marissa Theisen and Jim Wiegel, and one on the banks of the St. Croix River between Minnesota and Wisconsin: Steve Harrington. Regrets from Christine Whitney Sanchez and Isobel Bishop.

We covered the first half of 2.3 Self Management Processes: decision making, assumptions, internal communication, conflict resolution and got into role definitions and allocation. You can listen in to the conversation here:

Next week we are starting with individual performance management and planning to cover the rest of the chapter. Next week we are starting with individual performance management and planning to cover the rest of the chapter.

I am looking for someone who would be interested to organize and host these calls starting in late June. I am going to be on the road and may not have easy access. Also, those of you who have not made the calls, let us know how to support you.

Comment on The Book Pt 2: Structures, Processes, Culture of Teal by Larry Philbrook Wed, 04 Jun 2014 02:03:24 +0000 Some random notes from our study dialogue June 3-4 2014
2.3 Self management process

What he means by structure is teams without hierarchy and support systems focused on the team
Matrix organization not silo – continuing cross functional activity in the organization
Combining of all various people whose work impacts the success of the team on the team; accountable to each other
Extremes of authority nor consensus
Accountability rule of 2 feet – all the same job of building the team

Certain processes needed to make it work
1. Decision making – including crisis,,purchasing, and budgeting
2. Conflict
3. Who does what
4. Performance evaluation
5. Compensation

Flow of information and decisions calls it a process – practice of communicating
Advice process – bigger decision the wider the net must be cast – only makes sense in a higher consciousness field of energy – a lot of intuition
The conversation – network

Crisis times are the key points of acting through the principles; intentionalities to really respect the self managing functions.
Confronting employees with a difficult issue; everything is self organizing
Purchasing investments –

Review if you failed to do the advice process – year end review process – self reflection – difficult conversations including “abuse” not checking with those affected.

Imperfections are worked out through dialogue

Value based change –
Individuals responsible for action

Internal communication
All hands meeting – intranet – everything that needs to be decided is available – individuals

Conflict resolution
Never use force
Honor their commitment

Direct communication and gaining agreement
• Two together to sort it out
• Nominate a colleague as mediator
• Panel of topic-relevant colleagues
• Ultimate founder can be invited
Deal with conflict closest to the point

Self aware of what they might be doing to support the conflict.

More like a formation of peoples consciousness – interior dimensions of it

All the conflict belongs to all the people

Role definition and allocation
Most likely someone will step forward and take on the role

Morning star process is clear – Colleague Letter of Understanding

How does this best get done? (Respect gained for people who look forward and see a possibility others missed)


Roles shift based on fluid relationships

Taking gaps back to the people concerned

Trickles all the way through the organization
Everything is experimentation – structures so fluid almost not structures

Upgrade the operating system

Board rules of order – everything else is an App


Take in the amazing information that this is happening in companies and therefore my focus of research…
What stands out to me is honesty at all levels
Facilitation feels more green rather than teal

Comment on Participants and Chat by jfwiegel Mon, 02 Jun 2014 00:17:02 +0000 This from Marissa – link to more discussion on Reinventing Organizations.
Jim, I have another book club tomorrow night so won’t be able to make the evening call. I can’t make either of the other two options either, so I’ll have to join you next week. Very exciting to know so many people want to discuss the book. I’ve listened to all 5 hours of Ken and Fredrick discussing the book on Integral Life. Very informative.
Here’s the link. I think you need to subscribe to Integral Life to listen to them, but try and see.

Comment on Participants and Chat by jfwiegel Mon, 02 Jun 2014 00:04:49 +0000 Thanks Jim for starting this study. The book is right on target as I see it, a good follow-up to Otto Scharmer’s books which focus strongly on consciousness in the workplace. I’ve been involved in organizational transformation since the 80′s with the Gilles’ in Mumbei, have used it to support ourselves along with Larry Philbrook in Taiwan for 23 years now as ICATaiwan. I intend to follow along with this study to help me make sure I fully digest this book. In the first study, I’m most taken by the bit in the 7th column (green) regarding wisdom beyond rationality. Have learned that intuition provides higher quality thinking so try to give my intuition time to produce wisdom, and it does. After 7 years of weekly dreamwork (a dream a message from my unconscious) I’ve learned to have my dream and just wait for my unconscious to speak to me. It works.

Dick West

Comment on 2.2 Self-Management (Structures) 5/27-28/2014 by jfwiegel Sun, 01 Jun 2014 23:45:55 +0000 Both Sally Kasner and Marissa Theisen sent the link below on Sociocracy.

Hi Jim. I saw this article today and thought it sounded very similar to the structures described in Reinventing Organizations. If you think it’s relevant, feel free to share with others in our group. Hope the call yesterday was good. Sorry to miss it. Marissa

Sociocracy: An Organizational Structure for Distributed Leadership
What kinds of employees do we really want in the nonprofit sector? With all our talk of a need for “leaderful organizations,” there are fewer discussions of what that really requires, though there is at least a half-century of literature and practice on the subject. And guess what? A good deal of it emerged from the same theoretical base as cybernetics, often mixed with some feminist theory. But shifting away from the dominant paradigm of command and control requires a culture shift for many. Here is one take to help inform.
