Blue Gems — Treasures Found in the Archives

     Image converted using ifftoany                     Just a chance for a bit of fun — Here are treasures we have found — a gift to you



Remembering Betty Pesek

THURSDAY TREASURE:  Previously unpublished chart on spirit, laboriously transcribed from hand-written notes by Joe Mathews

WEDNESDAY TREASURE:  RS-I on a page.  What did TWLI stand for?

TUESDAY TREASURE:  Where were you in the winter of 1964-65?

Assignments Winter 64-65

MONDAY TREASURE:  Where have you seen this before??

Anslie for Treasure







SUNDAY TREASURE  How many can you name?


Many faces from our past

5 thoughts on “Blue Gems — Treasures Found in the Archives

  1. Ann

    I love timelines and the one above is nicely done. However, I would like to see RS-1’s, The Academies, Global Research Assemblies, LENS and the Local Church Experiment reflected in it, since those were crucial to who we once were, as well.

    1. jfwiegel Post author

      Hi, Ann great to hear from you! Yes, yes, yes, A couple of people have been working on a chronological history. Puzzle for me on the website is this: that current visual actually almost takes up too much space so that you are always having to cursor down to see stuff, so we need a more advanced visual way to display (means getting better at webstuff . . .)

    2. Jean Long

      Ann –
      Is wonderful that you responded. Couldn’t find your last name anywhere. Sure would like to know who you are.
      Jean Long
      GreenRise Building – 7th Floor Intentional Community

  2. Susan Fertig-Dykes

    How about doing it as a spiral of images?
    How about doing it with a clickable image that links to another clickable image that links to another clickable image going backwards in time?


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