This page contains a directory for web pages for different collections of the ICA Global Archives. The purpose of these sites is to make key pieces of the historical work of the Institute of Cultural Affairs and the Ecumenical Institute available to those who might find it useful in current work addressing contemporary issues and concerns. These collections are in various stages of completeness either “Ready to go” or “In Process”. Follow the links below to visit the collections and contact the collection curator for each. Additional collections will be added as they become available.

Developing Methods for Effective Collective Action In Process
Accelerate 77: Ready to Go
Service Learning: In Process
Human Development Projects: Ready to Go
Spirit Methods Exploring, Living and Celebrating Our Human Spirit Just Started
Social Process Analyzing How Societies Work, Face Challenges and Can Be Shaped Ready to Go
Strategic Planning: Introducing Transformational Strategic Thinking to Communities and Organizations Ready to Go
New Religious Mode: Ready to Go
ICA GreenRise: Ready to Go

Imaginal Education
Creating Methods, Structures and Courage for Transformative Education Ready to Go
Fifth City: Catalyzing Local Community Development on a Worldwide Scale Ready to Go
Global Community Forum: Providing opportunity for neighbors to sit down and plan together In Process
Global Academy: Awakening Profound Selfhood: RS-1, ITI and the Academy In Process
Local Church Experiment: Designing and Implementing a Strategy for the Renewal of the Church : The Local Church Experiment Just Started
Global Spirit Movement Building and Sustaining a Global Movement Ready to Go
Demon-strating International Collaboration and Sharing Just Starting

I don’t know what to say. This is pretty impressive! It is beautiful; it is clear on the progress; it all seems to work! Cudos to the team!!
Thanks, very much. How is the republishing of your book coming along??
It looks wonderful on my phone. Love the symbols, of course!! I will look at it on my computer as well. Congrats on this great undertaking and enormous progress!!!
The Local Church Experiment 1970-71 is not mentioned on the timeline