Ellen, David, Jim, Roger, Gordon, Leah, Jo, Helen, Randy and Ellen had a lively interaction around Chapter 5 Emergence: Surprised by Newness. Go to Chapter 5 to see Randy’s outline. Randy’s provocative question:
From a practical perspective, what does it mean to be a change agent in a world where change emerges from multiple complex interactions rather than from well-planned, highly impacting interventions?
Randy asked some questions about “emergence” in his opening comments. I am in a class in my local church that has been going through a class called “Painting the Stars – Science Religion and an Evolving Faith” (a “Living the Questions” program). One of the discussion questions in chapter 2 is “What does the idea of ’emergence’ have to do with evolutionary spirituality?” Here are some of the notes I made that respond to this question:
1) Science emerges toward spirituality
2) “Emergence” is the way the material world works on its own —- radically new forms of life happen
3) “Nested emergence” —- every level can create
4) Can we greet such with AWE?
There is more but this seemed to tie right into our discussion Tuesday evening