3. Chapter by Chapter —

We are diving into SO FAR FROM HOME to create a common framework to spur a deeper shared reflection among us on what is really going on in our work, our world and ourselves.  We are interested in GROUNDING our exploration in real life.  This will be a spiraling journey – seeing the whole book (all of our chapters) in each part, and gradually moving down into our own grounded reflections.

Each participant (can be pairs) is selecting and  “Doing” a chapter –  “Doing” = study it on behalf of all of us, and create and share —
1.  a Visual overview of the chapter (chart?)
2.  a selection of key points/quotes, that caught you
3.  a visual image or diagram
4.  Grounding example (s)
5.  A handful of provocative questions to focus our attention over 20 minutes and help us all to grasp the heart of what Margaret Wheatley is saying

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