The Book

BEGINNING STRUCTURE FOR THIS STUDY GROUP The drop down menu gives options to view and add to the insights and comments for each Part of Reinventing Organizations
Focus:  Take about a month to go through it, then see . . .
May 12-18. Part 1.  Historical and developmental perspective (3 chapters)
May 19-25. Part 2. The structures, practices and culture of teal organizations (7 chapters)
May 26-June 1.  Part 3. The emergence of teal organizations (5 chapters)
June 2-8.  Reflect and future

We can interact mainly by old-fashioned emails back and forth, as we have time, perhaps a conference or skype call or google hangout each week as well.  Who knows what might occur??

Jim put this together to create a visual overview of the book.  Sections in yellow caught his attention

Jim put this together to create a visual overview of the book. Sections in yellow caught his attention


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