Thoughts on completing Reinventing Organizations and our study group over the next couple of months

My wife, our dog and I plan to take off on a summer road trip late next week.
We will have uncertain internet connection for several weeks thereafter. I plan to stay active with this group, but my participation may be sporadic. Seems like a perfect time for some independent study, shared pairs, small group projects, someone to step up to host the weekly calls, or we could just stop.

Leave a short message about where you are in studying Reinventing Organizations, and in participating in our study group over the next couple of months. If you have a particular interest going forward, indicate that. Perhaps someone would like to join you. I would also appreciate any comments or suggestions for what I might do to support you in this. Jim Wiegel

4 thoughts on “Thoughts on completing Reinventing Organizations and our study group over the next couple of months

  1. Isobel Bishop

    Hello everyone,
    I am enjoying the discussions very much. Yes, I wonder what a TEAL Church would like, too Jim.

    Some Wednesdays ( here) do not work for me, and then I listen to the Study discussions later.
    I will hear what works out for the group and try to participate.

    Cheers to all,
    Thanks again Jim for this effort you have made. Enjoy your road trip. Isobel

    1. jfwiegel Post author

      The idea of a “Teal” church seems would have 2 aspects:
      1. What would a church look like that was organized at the level of Teal
      2. What would a church look like that was focused on the formation of its members to the level of Teal?

  2. Nileen Verbeten

    I am open to how the study proceeds. I cannot make the June 10 meeting, as it conflicts with a standing board meeting I must attend. I would be willing to keep going over the next few weeks or delay until your trip is done.

  3. Larry Philbrook

    Looking forward to tomorrows study.

    I plan to continue through the study with the intent to do dialogue with colleagues here in Taiwan, perhaps several global ICA/ToP community groups and at some point start a CEO dialogue on this. (no idea what form this is but 8-12 CEO types I have worked with to dialogue on living into Teal

    I am playing with two assumptions right now
    1) Most organisations are not Teal but Green or Orange and need facilitation as we have done it (Green) so I need to continue reviewing and revising our approaches to be as effective as possible in light of the opportunity for transformation Teal represents;
    2) I also need to work on my self to move toward Green in Alliance with clients/individuals who are ready and I have no clue how to do that (Yet assume if I look at the body of my /our work over the past 20 years I can glean where I have had access to some experiences)

    With respect, Larry


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